Tuesday, May 29, 2012

the queen of (chocolate) tart

We went to the city.
It was awesome. Just to visit Kate who made us French pastries. One was DELIGHTFUL. The other sent us to McDonalds for lunch. hehe.
this is the queen of tarts...

She is just too excited.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Death Flu

I do have a cold. I'm all snot & more snot. Literally snot flying everywhere. Or is it figuratively? Anyway there is too much snot. This is gross but I actually stuck tissues in my nose last night because of the dripping. Charming.
I was kindy mum today.
It. Was. Awesome.
The kids thought I was the best. Delusional kids. But seriously they were all so cute and sweet and James was just adorable and so excited and telling everyone. Amelia was a menace but she did quite well because it was nap time. One of the girls asked me why I had stamps on me. It was a tattoo. Haha!
Anyway I'm going to go make some blondies from my new Margaret Fulton cookbook. Gosh she is a legend.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


We went fishing. My friend had a tiny tiny little girl. I think I have a cold. I'm being kindy mum tomorrow!
I found a excellent block to buy!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Pretty happy at the moment. Brought size ten bathers. That was pretty exciting. I keep going to get new jeans but I can't make myself do it. I probably start crying!! Haha!!
My good friend is having her first baby tomorrow. That's pretty exciting!!
And another friend got engaged on the weekend! That's pretty exciting!! Yay Lauri & Rick!
In other news.....I'm knackered!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Why is Master Chef returning? Does Australia really need another celebrity chef?
Why so much reality tv?
If only American Dad or Family Guy took up these slots.....