Friday, February 24, 2012

Road trip!!

(Technically going to Ikea is a road trip for me... )
Kate, Amelia & I went to Ikea yesterday. On the way to Ikea listening to Little Dragon. That should have been my Facebook status but the overdose of babies for the bonds competition is literally killing me.
Look I'm into modeling. I use to do it but I do not want to see hundreds of pictures of random babies on my news feed. It's so irritating. And let's be honest not every kid is gorgeous. Ok that might be a but harsh but gee whizz, to many photos.
Anyway. Ikea yesterday. It was awesome. Didn't go crazy & try to stuff a bookcase in the xtrail. I should have.
I do need to go again buy said bookcase.
Anyway need to go clean my teeth. ta ta

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Procrastinate? Yes please

So we have set a date for our engagement party.
24th of March & that's as far as it has gone. Why? I don't know. We are just not into it. So much organizing. I don't want to do it. Wills on the net researching our August holiday & I'm playing angry birds. Seriously.
We were even going to go look at display homes today.
Next weekend we were going to go down south & test out beers at the beer festival - for our wedding of course, brewery wedding & all. In the meantime we got a baby sitter, a reservation & discussing going to the movies here. What the heck?
Why are we doing this? I mean why are we doing nothing.
Urg I don't know.
I need to get cracking......after I pass this level.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lets talk about.....,.Contraception

For my new pill. I kid you not.
Nothing else is good for me. No injections, no implants. The mini pill turned me into a little wittle scary monster. So my doctor puts me on this pill that has "low" side affects. Helps with bloating, anemia, mood swings AND it's a contraceptive pill as well. Shock!! But at this price you better hope it does all this.
I'm hoping with exercising regularly & eating healthy (I'm so healthy at the moment it's disturbing) I won't be a psycho.
Oh psycho times. Good times. Fond memories.
I will let you know how it goes. Pretty nifty packet too. Very 90s or 80s I sometimes forget which era was the daggy one.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Trying trying trying

At the moment I am trying to make my blog look lovely. Gosh it is hard.
I want to add buttons but I have to have experience according to blogger. I have noooooo experience.
So please bare (bear raaaa) with me while I try & fix this up.
Maybe I should employ someone. Or maybe I will just youtube it?
Wish me luck
PS Will was most upset that I did not include him in last nights post. I asked if he looked at the link because that is the reason why there are no photos of him. Of course he did not look at the link. He is awesome so Will.....yay for you x
Sasauge roll heaven?
If anyone has any advice please feel free to help me!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

dreaming gosh we can dream.....

this is just lovely.
this is just inspiring.
this is just making me rethink my knickers & singlet combo right now.
also i think i need more light in my home.
and all the walls white.
maybe wear more face disguising make up.
might become a designer too.
we can only dream.

this is about as awesome you shall get from me...

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Ok a few of my last posts have been erm a weeee bit negative. I am happy!!
Really I am. So there will be more happiness. But no sloppy vomit puppies holding hands & skipping over rainbows. Nope I am into that. And it's impossible for that to happen. Puppies can't skip.
Anyway HAPPY!!!
PS who wants to organize my engagement party & wedding? Huh? Anyone?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Meanie meanie

Today I was tired & people we're rude. You know when you struggle with your trolley & you've got kids hanging off you & you know people know you are struggling but they make you stop so they can push through? That was my morning. Not only was the power out since 8.30 last night but hair was frizzy & my dress too short. No coffee. Had a little boy refusing to wear jocks. This was my morning. Fun.
My last stop was at Coles. I don't shop at Coles. This is why.....
Rude people. Old people stare at me. I don't like their ads. Struggling along with the trolley across the road & some young men yell out of their car "hey sexy". Right.
Then rude encounter with old person that doesn't even apologize. I always apologize. Whatever.
Then the check out lady (look I work in customer service too & I off days too but I will always do my job) squashed my fricken tomatoes. She puts them in a bag with a million heavy things & then puts my biscuits in a separate bag. So I say where did you put my tomatoes because I knew where they were. Squashed at the bottom. Then she calls me a "rude bitch" under her breath. This woman is in her forties. I look at her & in a really happy sarcastic voice say "Wow really? That's so professional". I paid for my stuff & left. I should have complained.
I am not a bitch. Just don't squash my tomatoes.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The new lady in my life

Yesterday I finally got my birthday present!! My new tattoo! My forth & my biggest & I love her!!
I had to wait three (THREE) months to get it because of Xmas & my artist went to Brisbane to tattoo over there.
But three months is nothing because my awesome tattoo makes up for it!!

Of course though there is always one negative nancy that has to ruin it. My auntie was the star this time, asking if I thought about what it will look like in 20 years time....I ignored her because it was such a silly question.
Tattoos are permanent & you have to live with them. I know what my thighs will look like in 20 years time. They will be rainbow & dimply!
Ahh some people just make you wonder!!
Isn't she lovely? It was done by Ryan at Foothills. He has done 3 of my tattoos now!!

Ta ya