Saturday, November 24, 2012

Good things

Stuff happened.
Xmas is planned. Sort of. Not really.
James hair is tooooo long.
Went to a beautiful wedding!
We joined the gym.
I ran twice this week.
Got told by a lady to get married before I have kids. I promptly replied "too late"
And blogger is being silly and not letting me post pictures.

Friday, November 16, 2012

As promised...

Get ready to be bpmbarded with photos.

Ok there is not that many.

Our new labrador Molly is so cute. Such a puppy though.

Will and I both turned 28. Urg. We have to get married by the time we are thirty I think. 
Sarah and Amelia at my birthday. Wine and cheese! (juice for the kids obviously)

Ice cream cake birthday cake! Best ever.

Sand monster

Teddies bear picnic. James took Bart. Derr.

All our grass. So much grass.

Jo posing with Amelia but as usual Amelia was having a tanty.

The end.
PS I think I might enrol in another camera course. Maybe. I need to have a creative outlet I think. AND we are joining the gym next week. OH MY GOD.

Grass. Dog. Birthdays. Etc

Will be updating soon. Have been too busy. Hopefully I will get a chance today.
But I probably won't.
We got grass. We got older. And we got a puppy. Yep.
Night down south tomorrow. Just Will and I. Oh yes.