Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Well I have not been on here for awhile. 
Think I know why as well, took me over an hour to get into this bloody account. I love you google but all this google plus stuff is agonizing and for some reason I have 2 accounts and it was so confusing!!! 

Well we got married. We got a cat. I cut my hair. That is it. That is basically the last 2 years of my life. NOT MUCH HAS HAPPENED! 
That is a wee bit sad hey. 

One of the reasons I wanted to frolic with the dinosaurs again was because I am in a rut. A big yucky rut. I quit my job because I loathed it. But then the next day I freaked and stayed on as a casual. This was nearly two years ago and I am still working there! 
I still do not know what to do with my life. I am THIRTY. I started uni. I was too impatient for uni. I stopped uni. I know nothing but banking. That is just amazingly boring. I mean do I really want that to be the rest of my life? I know that first I am a mother and then a wife and then a banker. A banker really. I worked hard to be a bloody banker? hahaha how crap and embarrassing is that? I mean the perks are great. My work is flexible and easy but something has to give. 
I am bored and I do not know what to do. Should I go back to school? I should I just suck it up and be a banker (ha) for the rest of my life? 
Oh gosh I don't know. I mean I should be happy I have a job right? Whatever. 

All I know is I am need a bit of guidance, some advice but I am 30. With 2 kids. My interests are wine and reading. Can I be paid to read and drink? Would be nice. 

Anyway, may be another two years before I type again.