Friday, December 21, 2012

Cookies & vintage Christmas decorations

James and I made gingerbread men (stars, pigs, candy canes, xmas trees & ducks) today.

The kids decorated them. Clean up was the best. Not.
4 sleeps till Christmas. Only 2 days of work to go, then TWO days off. Yep.
Will and I are both working too much at the moment. So I cannot wait till we have a good break!

I call this Amelia's pirate smile


My Pat Nana (yes she is mine and yes it is Pat Nana....not Nana Pat. Anyway..)
She called me a few weeks ago. After leaving a voice message thinking she was actually talking to me I called her back. She asked me if I wanted her old decorations. Of course I said yes, not only are they gorgeous and old and hold so many memories, I can never have too many decorations. Especially of the Christmas kind!
Mum got the box first and went through it like a snake but I am so happy with what we got. There are too cute. When I say vintage too I actually mean vintage. I don't mean "vintage"brought at Target.
Yes feel free to be jealous!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Finally they fixed blogger for iPhone.
My phone is still smashed though. Christmas is nearly done.
Be prepared for mobile photos now. Yep. Get excited!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Nearly Christmas

Are you organized? I'm semi organized. I only have 3 presents to go. Still waiting on some online orders to arrive and I have heaps to wrap. I have more wrapping than shopping. Ha!
I also have a cold. My hair also looks like I've been electrocuted. It's just one big mass of blonde hair with rediculous regrowth. Rediculous? Is that right? Did I spell it right?
I think I should bake xmassy things on the weekend. Get the kids even more excited. I really want to buy some more lights but I can't seem to find battery ones.
Anyway got to get James ready for his last day of school......tear

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Optus + iPhone = shit

So my phone is smashed. Front & back. Yes it was my fault but why make a phone in this material? Or did they do it on purpose?!!
So I call Optus because I have no idea when my contract is up and I kind of need a new phone now & I refuse to pay to fix it.
My contract expires on the 3/3/2013. Though if I want to upgrade now it will cost me 300 something. If I wait a few weeks it will cost me nothing. So I can't see how they cannot waive that fee? They already get enough off me because I am paying so much to have this shitty phone anyway.
So I ask the lady how much will it cost to terminate my contract. This is after she tries to cross sell me a different Internet contract....
She transfers me to a different department. Which is not open yet. Go figure.
Basically I cannot wait to get rid of this phone. The home button stopped working ages ago, my photos don't load on the computer and apple is rediculous for storing songs. Their ads use to be cool.

I will really enjoy getting a Samsung Galaxy. Half a mind to leave Optus as well because of their stupid procedure.
I write this with glass in my fingers.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Owl, pussy cat, Bruce & a stupid prime minister

Number 1. Bruce Springsteen is coming. Yep march 2013 and we will be there. Melbourne none the less. Oh yay!! Seriously yayyyyyy!!
Number 2. Our prime minister is trying to win the young with going on triple j and announcing that the world will be ending.
I am actually embarrassed she is our prime minister.
Number 3. I would be talking about the owl and the pussy cat and sharing a photo of Amelia with purple nail polish but blogger is being silly still and not letting photos upload. Fix this blogger please!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

oh. my. gosh

It is nearly Christmas.
Three weeks to go. I have ZERO presents. Am I freaking out? Why yes I am.

My crazy crazy Xmas obsessed children
Good times!!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Good things

Stuff happened.
Xmas is planned. Sort of. Not really.
James hair is tooooo long.
Went to a beautiful wedding!
We joined the gym.
I ran twice this week.
Got told by a lady to get married before I have kids. I promptly replied "too late"
And blogger is being silly and not letting me post pictures.

Friday, November 16, 2012

As promised...

Get ready to be bpmbarded with photos.

Ok there is not that many.

Our new labrador Molly is so cute. Such a puppy though.

Will and I both turned 28. Urg. We have to get married by the time we are thirty I think. 
Sarah and Amelia at my birthday. Wine and cheese! (juice for the kids obviously)

Ice cream cake birthday cake! Best ever.

Sand monster

Teddies bear picnic. James took Bart. Derr.

All our grass. So much grass.

Jo posing with Amelia but as usual Amelia was having a tanty.

The end.
PS I think I might enrol in another camera course. Maybe. I need to have a creative outlet I think. AND we are joining the gym next week. OH MY GOD.

Grass. Dog. Birthdays. Etc

Will be updating soon. Have been too busy. Hopefully I will get a chance today.
But I probably won't.
We got grass. We got older. And we got a puppy. Yep.
Night down south tomorrow. Just Will and I. Oh yes.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday Sunday

One week till my birthday!! Will spent more than he should have on my present and I am so excited to see what it is!!
Going to have lunch in freo with my friends and family. Which will be awesome! Hopefully it is not raining though!
Had a rushed weekend and brought James green paint for his room. It is pretty epic but we ran out of time to start it. Grass is getting put down next weekend too thank Christ. Only the front though as the guys doing a retainer wall will run over the "grass" at the back. Maybe it will be all done before Christmas? Maybe. I'm kind of over sand.
Have a new pet too. His name is Bob and I found him on our back mat & he gave me a heart attack.
Bye bye

Friday, October 26, 2012

It's getting hot!!

It's going to be 35 tomorrow & I keep thinking my one piece is too revealing! Yep!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Run James Run

James had his first sport carnival last Friday.
He ran 25 meters! And he played games. I got burnt. He got a ribbon. It was great!

In other news we are finally getting retic this week. That means we might be getting grass!! OH MY GOD!!

It is a wonder he can see with all that hair!

Demanding food from the canteen....

Happy dad

Thursday, October 18, 2012

cupcakes and photos

Had a little photo shoot with Amelia this morning. James was at school and Will was getting his hair (and beard) cut. Amelia was eating a cup cake and didn't want to get her fingers sticky. She ended up putting it on the ground and eating it with only her mouth. No hands!

Our paving paint floors are ideal for situations like this! Cupcake everywhere! The best decision we have made was to rip up the lino and paint the floors with this stuff. So easy to clean especially with kids and parents who have a love for red wine!

She just got too excited.

Just so this stunner doesn't feel left out!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

fenced in

Will built a fence. It is pretty epic. Now we have privacy! On Wednesday we are getting our security windows up so that means even more privacy! I would build a wall around our house if we could!



Been busy. Work. Visiting lovely ladies and a mending dad.
James is back at school on Tuesday. I have started running again. God. Twice this week. Pretty good since I have been sick with hay fever.

Not much else to report. Hopefully we get grass soon!! Yep it will be epic. Once the sand is gone we can start painting!

Annnnnnnnnddddddd it is my birthday soon! YAY!!

Walking back from the underwater observatory

The lino floors got to us & we ripped them up last Wednesday!
Notice the balloons left over from James' party! ha!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Holiday. Celebrate. Probably don't celebrate

We just got back from being down south. Felt quite weird being away because my dad just had triple bypass surgery on Friday. Saw him today. He seems good. Good as can be for a man that had his heart stopped.
We were gone for a short while. It was exhausting but super super (yes 2 supers) fun. But I think I had cooking withdrawals. I just made a pear tart & homemade custard.
Holiday photos will be up soon. Yep get excited!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

5? Yes 5!! Bathroom? Yay bathroom!!

James turned 5 on Wednesday. I cannot believe I am the mum of a 5 year old.

He had a party yesterday. It was planned to be at the park but this unpredictable September weather changed that plan and we had it at our house. The kids went wild in the back yard. Probably because the backyard is wild.
James is sick again today. Darn tonsillitis but he had a great day yesterday so I am happy. Not happy that he is sick again. Poor little bugger.

Fairy (devil) she was a complete party animal

Mum forced them to smile

Look at how happy he looks!

Will has done some work to the bathroom. Painted it white. It looks so lovely without those yucky horrible foul brown/green/poo bricks showing.
Our lovely new cabinet was put up today too. I am so glad we splurged on it because it makes the bathroom look awesome and will divert the need to renovate it properly for a few more years!! The cabinet will be painted for now and we are replacing the basin. It looks like its been cut up. Weird.

But our first even bigger job begins next week. The back is being levelled out! Yay! Then grass!! Yay!!


After - amazing what paint and a good mirror can do. Note the sexy lady in the reflection. Yep that's me.


Till next time.....bye!

Saturday, September 15, 2012


I know it has been a while.
So much has happened.
This happened

Book week and he got best costume in kindy. Yay!

This also happened. How big are they? So big.

The most exciting thing though (no offence Cat in the Hat) was this....
Yep that double brick 4 (3) by 1 is ours. The For Sale sign was taken down before we had time to take a photo with it. Saying that it was up for a week after settlement. Anyway.
It will be renovated. It will be painted. Things will be planted and walls will be knocked. Did I mention I now own a flash double oven? Oh yes and its black. There is exposed brick throughout the whole house and I mean there is not one wall plastered. It is literally a brick house. On a massive block.
350 METRES FROM THE BEACH. You can actually see the beach from our driveway. And smell the beach and hear the beach. The best thing is no more renting. There are pink tiles in the bathroom and I have this growing need to rip the lino off the floor but other than that it's fine for now!
I brought the kids curtains yesterday. Turns out buying them is actually cheaper than making them. I have no storage space whatsoever. That's ok though.
Massive backyard of sand and weeds

kitchen will be done.....hopefully next year

words cannot even describe my hate for this room. Its quite large so I will forgive it for now

So this has been our life so far. We have only been here a week (!), we have so many plans, hopefully everything runs smoothly!!