Saturday, September 15, 2012


I know it has been a while.
So much has happened.
This happened

Book week and he got best costume in kindy. Yay!

This also happened. How big are they? So big.

The most exciting thing though (no offence Cat in the Hat) was this....
Yep that double brick 4 (3) by 1 is ours. The For Sale sign was taken down before we had time to take a photo with it. Saying that it was up for a week after settlement. Anyway.
It will be renovated. It will be painted. Things will be planted and walls will be knocked. Did I mention I now own a flash double oven? Oh yes and its black. There is exposed brick throughout the whole house and I mean there is not one wall plastered. It is literally a brick house. On a massive block.
350 METRES FROM THE BEACH. You can actually see the beach from our driveway. And smell the beach and hear the beach. The best thing is no more renting. There are pink tiles in the bathroom and I have this growing need to rip the lino off the floor but other than that it's fine for now!
I brought the kids curtains yesterday. Turns out buying them is actually cheaper than making them. I have no storage space whatsoever. That's ok though.
Massive backyard of sand and weeds

kitchen will be done.....hopefully next year

words cannot even describe my hate for this room. Its quite large so I will forgive it for now

So this has been our life so far. We have only been here a week (!), we have so many plans, hopefully everything runs smoothly!!

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